
Our Commitment

Aris Water Solutions manages all aspects of produced water takeaway and recycling for the largest operators in the water-stressed Permian Basin.

Aris Water Solutions reduces the industry’s consumption of fresh and non-potable water in the world’s premier energy-producing region.

We build and operate expansive, integrated produced water infrastructure, develop and deploy leading water technology and provide the logistical expertise needed to eliminate the industry’s freshwater footprint, a pivotal step for the Oil and Gas industry to achieve ESG compliance.

We are committed to a greener future and exceeding the high standards set by our customers, global regulators and the global investment community. By executing on our Commitment, we enable our customers to exceed their own water, safety and community commitments and focus on their core business.

Solutions Sustainability Linked Bond Framework

Statement of Percentage of Recycled Produced Water Sales

Reducing Water Stress Through Water Recycling

Aris Water Solutions is a leading provider of recycled produced water in the Permian Basin. When the oil and gas industry uses more recycled produced water and conserves fresh water, local communities, habitats and wildlife benefit enormously. Aris Water Solutions makes it possible for our customers to take advantage of a sustainable water source for hydraulic fracturing while meeting their goals of using more recycled water.

Advancing Sustainability With Leading Technology-Enabled Solutions

Aris Water Solutions identifies, evaluates and deploys state-of-the-art produced water treatment technologies for recycling and other potential beneficial reuse options, while sharing our expertise across the sector to develop best practices.

Our Contributions

  • Through a Aris Water Solutions subsidiary formed to focus on emergent technologies, we are partnering with leading scientists in the field of water treatment to identify, develop and pilot innovative technologies for beneficial reuse of produced water. The goal is for these solutions to reach other industries and be deployed for irrigation, industrial and other purposes.
  • Aris Water Solutions is committed to water stewardship. We are developing best practices in the areas where we operate and actively participate in industry initiatives including the New Mexico Produced Water Consortium and the Produced Water Society.
  • We monitor and provide direct feedback on New Mexico legislation promoting opportunities for recycling and beneficial uses of recycled water.

We constantly evaluate and deploy advanced technologies to ensure the responsible design, development and oversight of our operations and the safety of our people and the environment. We focus on technologies that enable us to identify anomalies and respond quickly and effectively to avoid potential incidents.

Active Monitoring

Active Monitoring

State-of-the-art control room including a central dispatch and call center with trained personnel monitoring operations 24/7

Automated Monitoring

Automated Monitoring

Fully integrated SCADA system with remote control monitoring, emergency shutdown and automated safety systems, utilizing full field visualization and video surveillance

Preventative Maintenance

Preventative Maintenance

Cloud-based, FIIX computerized maintenance management system, with automated preventative maintenance scheduling, and detailed asset tracking and data analysis tools for equipment repair and replacement

Responsibly Building Permanent Infrastructure

Aris Water Solutions is a leading developer and operator of critical water infrastructure assets in the Midland and Delaware Basins. Our growing infrastructure footprint allows us to aggregate large volumes of produced water from multiple operators to reliably and responsibly treat and redeliver recycled volumes back to our customers. We safely dispose of produced water that is not recycled in saltwater disposal wells.

Our Best Practices

  • Ensure construction of robust, high-quality systems through front end engineering and design process
  • Use highest industry standard materials and components
  • Identify opportunities to upgrade assets, effectively manage hydraulics and increase system utilization
  • Minimize surface piping
  • Integrate all systems into our SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) platform
  • Implement FIIX and regular preventative maintenance programs

Avoiding Emissions

In addition, every barrel of produced or recycled water we transport using our Aris Water Solutions pipeline network removes produced and fresh water-hauling trucks from congested roads and eliminates their associated greenhouse gas emissions. In this way, Aris Water Solutions is making a major contribution to solving one of the biggest safety and environmental concerns of our communities and customers across the Permian Basin.

Commitment to the Environment and Safety

Aris Water Solutions works to maintain trust from our customers, employees, landowners and the local communities in which we operate. We are committed to protecting the environment in our area of operations and take climate risk and corporate responsibility seriously. We also prioritize a safety-first culture, provide a safe workplace for our employees, and respect and encourage community engagement. Our EHS management system is aligned with ISO 14001 and 45001, and we have integrated applicable ISO programs and practices, including the “Plan-Do-Check-Adjust” continuous improvement cycle.

Environmental Highlights

  • Implemented a comprehensive environmental management strategy. Our actions include undertaking baseline ecological studies before building and operating in any location to ensure protection of endangered species habitat, ecologically sensitive areas and historic cultural locations, as well as compliance with all applicable regulations.
  • Constantly identify opportunities to reduce emissions, such as implementing a natural gas-powered microgrid to replace diesel generators and developing pipeline infrastructure to eliminate transporting produced water product by truck.
  • Developed a proactive program for spill management and leak detection and repair that uses technology-enhanced systems, including 24/7 monitoring programs. The overall program includes employee training and oversight, best practices for material selection and construction of primary and secondary containment systems.
  • Protect groundwater and prevent groundwater contamination through high-integrity wellbore design and constant monitoring of wellbore pressure to ensure well reliability and safe operations.

Health and Safety Highlights

  • We strive for safety performance that is better than the industry average, targeting a Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) of 0.
  • Dedicated to maintaining a safe, OHSA-compliant working environment by using an effective EHS program of system operations, emergency preparedness, response protocols, vehicle safety monitoring and contractor compliance.
  • Ensure accountability and prevent future incidents by using an incident management, root cause and corrective action program.
  • Mandatory safety training for all employees.
  • Full compliance with our customers’ EHS and quality audits.
  • Thorough vetting and auditing of contractors’ EHS performance and qualifications.
  • 24/7 air quality monitoring at salt water disposal wells (SWDs).

Beneficial Reuse

Focusing on the future use of produced water for beneficial reuse, Aris Water Solutions is actively evaluating opportunities for beneficial uses of produced water including:

  • Irrigation for Non-Food Agriculture
  • Restoration of rangeland grasses for carbon sequestration and carbon credits
  • Mineral recovery including caustic, HCL, bromine, lithium and other rare earth metals

Current indicative projects underway that we are leading or providing primary support:

  • 2021 Department of Energy Project, ~$4,000,000 funding of an optimization framework for produced water management and beneficial reuse
  • 2021 Texas A&M University Pilot underway using Aris Water Solutions treated produced water to evaluate irrigation to grow cotton, building off the 2016 Texas A&M University feasibility study using blended produced water to grow cotton
  • Process Water for Direct Air Capture